
Guangzhou Auto Show Review

|See the English version of the review below.|

[Entrance@Pazhou Exhibition Centre]


[Stunning Supercar Audi R8]

[R8's Eye]

由于整个车展都没有什么特别出众的车,所以最爽快的经验就剩下试乘:Lexus LS460和Nissan 350Z Fairlady。Lexus LS460的后座开启按摩功能后(只有右后方座位有按摩功能,也正常,一般只有一位老板),即刻有一股如人手按摩般的力量从腰间送至,随后惠及肩部和背部,实在非常舒服。在开启了震动功能后,整体按摩的动感进一步增强,乘坐感绝对抛离市面上的二三流按摩椅,去车展的话绝对值得一试。对比起同级的豪华车奔驰S350,后座空间虽然以S350为佳(S系的后门明显较长),但可能是S系的后座调得低矮的缘故(展品车无法电动调节座椅),加上全黑色的车厢和相对低矮的后窗线条,浅色内舱的Lexus开扬感远胜一筹,但S350前后座间距实在太宽了,两者空间感分别不大。

[Vintage MG Roadster]

[Pretty Salesgirl @BMW 330i Convertible]

至于350Z,友人留意到Nissan每小时有10个体验名额,我们便向Sales查询,结果Sales提前签了两张体验卡给我们,我们便能在半小时后越过展台的封锁线,坐进去350z的驾驶舱摆弄一番。第一感觉是低矮,如此低矮的座位根本无法像电影中那样潇洒地跨进去,而多少有些钻进去的感觉。个人则认为350z的排档感觉略好,相对于LanEVO9来说,档位之间的行程略长一点(但仍然是短行程排档),而排挡杆的长度较短,操作时容易掌握档位。而LanEVO嘛…… 友人认为更胜一筹,我则认为排档过长而档位间距过短。此外刹车需较大力气才能踩下,踏板位置安排应该很适合做Heel & Toe。之前饱受质疑的后塔顶Bar,看起来应该不会影响后窗视野(似乎没有反光问题)。

[Mersarati Zone]

[air intake of Mersarati GT]

[Fastest Frist-hand Ferrari money can buy today: F430 Scuderia]

[One of the most GTs ever: Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano]


工作人员对车的熟悉程度不敢恭维。我向展台的人员询问今年的新车技术,有些展台的工作人员自己不了解,也不会让你问另一位较资深的工作人员。现场娱乐设施大幅减少,去年出现过的LanEVO赛车游戏、PS2 GT4、Bosch Experience等都消失了,网易的展台也不知道在哪里。


[The 1:1 scale F1 model... quite annoying]

概念车数量很少(在Tokyo Show上以概念车出现的日产Pivo,到广州居然变成小小的模型……),甚至很多品牌连自身品牌的新车系也没有放出来(奔驰B系列、宝马1系/M3、日产GT-R)。即使商用车馆(大客车和大货车)也较去年逊色。

[Jaguar @ Jaguar XK]


[Lambo LP640 Roadster]

Today is the first day of the Guangzhou Auto Show. As we've seen the Ferrari's F430 Scuderia months ago, also the Porsche 997 GT2, basically there's no new cars that're typically attracting us (compare to the out-of-date cars, the showgirls are more attractive :) ). The only "improved" point of this year's show compared to the last one is that more cars are open: audience can seat in and experience the "in-door" environment.

[Porsche's always getting superb models, Porsche's richness do help!!!]

[Toyota's got excellent models as well.(Lexus is a sub-brand of Toyota, featuring euro design and high-end quality)]

[Nissan 350z "Fairlady" (315bhp)]

Among lots of cars that were allowed to experienced, I considered Lexus LS460 and the Nissan 350Z Fairlady the 2 most impressive ones. The backseat of the Lexus provided a massage function which gave you an awesome (after hours' walking) feel of relaxation. As for the 350z(pics above), the one normally kept all the doors shut, Nissan set a limitation of 10 audience every hour. Thus we took the chance and I thought it did feel better than the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution 9 (The latest 10th generation is not yet available here). The "Fairlady Z" just feels as good as it looks.

[Nissan concept car "Pivo": the car driven by itself]

[Nissan Zone: Another Look]

It's a pity that many of the salemen and consultants working there weren't familiar with the car they were selling. I asked about the Stop-and-Go technology of the Mercedes Benz and got the reply of "I've never heard of that". Besides, sales brochures were not well made. There're not many concept cars either. For those cars I wanted to see, Alfa Romeo, Audi’s new A4, the BMW 1-series, BMW M3, BMW X6, Caparo T1, Lamborghini Reveton, Lamborghini Gallardo Superllegera, Mini Clubman, Porsche Cayenne Hybrid, Porsche GT3 RS, Rolls Royce Phantom Drophead Convertivle, … non of them showed up today (which is reaaaaly annoying).

[New Honda Accord (US Version)]


Overall, the show's a big disappointment with few not-so-disappointed spots.

[A toy car called "Bumble Bee" (it's sooooooooo fake)]

[Buick's new Park Avenue.Finally they come out with a nice looking car.]

I wish I could pay a visit to the Auto Show @ Geneva, Frankfurt or Detroit in the near future.

[We're all tired...]


6 条评论:

匿名 说...

我没有开过evo, 不过朋友的350z到是试过, 换档的间距出奇的短。而且根本不用像平时一样慢慢的放下离合,换档的感觉就如同在速度与激情中的一样,上了一个挡位以后,一股明显的加速感,从后面袭来。同时朋友的那车是敞篷版本的,开了篷以后,一点都感觉不到自己置身于室外,非常的舒适,没有应透风的感觉。另外就是,很可惜的是, 我一直跑得是环城高速, 所以体验不到过弯的快感。 同时也开过朋友的rx-8。 等回来再和你分享。
另外要说的时,看过了你的照片集。真得很棒。 你用的是单反吗?什么型号?


Jim 说...

我在用一台很小巧的佳能IXUS 700,缩小图并经Photoshop处理后,照片恼人的噪点和色彩问题都解决掉了。有一些模特的照片,是用朋友的松下FZ30拍的,同样有噪点问题。长焦机适合远距偷拍,哈哈。



匿名 说...

都系BMW果个靓女靓! 呢个角度睇超好睇~~ 希望我去果日佢都仲喺度拉!

匿名 说...


匿名 说...


匿名 说...

看靓车美女,靓得就多贴几张~ :-)